Monday, March 24, 2014

Decorex Durban

Happy Monday folks! I hope you all had a really lovely and (hopefully) rather relaxing long weekend. I am sure some of you went away and soaked up the sunshine somewhere nice and beautiful and you are back at work today sighing, shaking your head and thinking "where did that weekend go?". I bet some of you have even looked up when the next public holiday is, you have haven't you?

Over the weekend, Darren, myself and 2 of our close friends decided we would go on down to Decorex and spend the day meandering around and getting home inspiration. We started the day at the Shongweni Farmers Market, which was lovely as always, and then headed home for a quick powernap (some of us battle with early mornings *cough* Paul *cough* Darren.

Darren and I have recently moved in together after a total renovation of the house I was previously living in, so we were really looking forward to getting some exciting home inspiration at Decorex, because lets be serious, it is much easier trying to convince your boyfriend that pineapple cushions "are so now" in real life, as opposed to pointing them out on pinterest.

After the recharge we parked at the ICC and met up at Decorex. Upon arrival we paid our R65 each and we received our "sponsored by Plascon" Decorex "gift bags" or whatever you call them.

Spekko Rice - The number 1 Durban gift bag item (can't wait to get my next bag at House & Garden Show!) Everyone that goes to all these exhibition shows will know - you always get Spekko!
Lifebuoy - Yay soap!?
Comfort  - Yay Fabric softener!? I got one of these free at checkers the other day too.
Nivea Sachet of cream - a sachet?
Pamphlet - Very interesting to look at for the first few pages and then choc a bloc with bad ads

Overall I was quite disappointed, but I was not surprised. I have never really received a great one at any of the shows I have been to in Durban. When are we going to get with the program and realise that people love value for money and people love free things? Guys, it is not that difficult - when you are a HUGE decor expo, to organise sponsorships. Tiny paint tins? washi tape? Tiny vinyl wall sticker? a paint brush? I don't know. Anything other than Spekko rice. I would be more than willing to pay more if I got something good in the bag, I am sure a lot of people would.

Anyway aside from the gift bags, as we walked in, I was beyond excited. The first "stands" as you walk in were beautiful! They were current, bright and full of very trendy and exciting home ideas.
AS I EXPECTED, there were pineapples, which I happily pointed out to Darren and my point was made and yay pineapple cushions here we come WOO HOO!

Pot plants in brass hangers, sausage dog benches, white ceramic pineapples, a fabric banner, pom poms, bright floral arrangements, patterned cushions. All very trendy and very current. Unfortunately this was the only section of its kind - with 1 or 2 half exceptions.

There were your usual kitchen displays, fancy but a bit boring. Couches from Sutherlands, too much french country for my liking and about half of the stands there were selling pots, pans, knives and milk frothers. The coffee-bar section was lovely and very lovely to look at, not a lot of seating but very well done.

The "food court" looked great and there was a great variety of food to be had. There was limited seating here too but we squished up and enjoyed our Afros chicken and gourmet hot dogs.

I was very impressed by the "look" of the food court and coffee bar, they were both fresh, current and very trendy but I found the overall show desperately lacking much decor at all. I expected so much more from Durban, we are such a beautiful little city full of creative and talented people but that Decorex left me feeling quite uninspired and quite frankly a little but bored.

There were pieces here and there that I coveted and there were stands whose product wowed me (See: Homewood OMG) but overall I felt like something along the lines of the caravans Terry Angelos orchestrated at last years House & Garden show would have gone down well at Decorex. A homegrown hall or just a large section where local interior designers, even bloggers decorate a section/stand/room with locally sourced products. Even converted Mr Price things and cleverly used cheapy items, better than yet another "comfy bed" display.

I understand these big company's foot the bills and they are necessary at a Decorex, because it is not only about decor, but about big items too, but my goodness guys, it is time to do a bit of a refresh! Do some work! Aproach designers and bloggers! Get something interesting going here!  We need more!

Other than my lack-of-creativity rant, I had a nice day out with my friends and it was great to have something different to do in Durban, be it a bit generic :) Here are a few of my highlights:

Have a happy Monday and I will catch you on the flip!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Oreo Cheesecake Brownies

Happy Sunday morning folks! It is nice and overcast in Durban and the perfect weather to do what we love doing most on a Sunday: going to Gateway to look around at "stuff", meeting friends for lunch and then heading home for Sunday afternoon baking (me) and playing playstation4/xbox (Darren). Alas, as much as we would love to be doing that, we have a full day of moving ahead of us! LAST DAY!

On Thursday evening I posted a picture of my Oreo Cheesecake Brownies and promised a recipe! So here it is!


+- 30 Oreo Cookies (1 1/2 boxes) more if you want to garnish with Oreo
1/3 cup of melted butter
250g cream cheese
3/4 cup of sugar
4 eggs
250ml sour cream
1tsp vanilla essence / extract
250ml cream
270g dark chocolate

Preheat your oven to 190 degrees C. Finely crush around 24 cookies - I did this by smashing the hell out of them with the end of my rolling pin in a mixing bowl. roughly chop the remaining cookies and set those aside for later. Combine the fine cookies crumbs with the melted butter in a bowl and press into a baking tray. Depending on the size of your baking tray you may need to make a little more of the base. If this is the case, just smash a few more cookies and add a little melted butter until it resembles the mixture you already have squished into your tin.

Beat the cream cheese and sugar together until it is bound and creamy then add 1 egg at a time until they are just incorporated. If you beat the eggs extensively, the surface of your cheesecake will crack. Mix in your sour cream, vanilla and coarsely chopped cookies. Pour the mixture onto your Oreo-butter base and spread to all corners. Bake for 45 minutes or until set. When ready the surface of the cheesecake should have a slight wobble - but not VERYT wobbly. As the cheesecake cools down t will set.

Allow the cheesecake to cook while you make the chocolate ganache for the top. This is really simple: Heat up your cream, take off the heat and add the chocolate pieces and mix until they are combined and make up a smoothe and creeeeeamy ganache. Set this mixture aside and make yourself a cup of tea and go on facebook or read a book or do something that distracts you from the cooling cheesecake and cooling chocolate delishiousness for about an hour. For me this was unpacking boxes and washing dishes. YAY moving!

When both the cheesecake and the chocolate ganache are cooled down, pour the ganache over the cheesecake and set in the fridge for 2-3 hours. When you take the cheesecake brownies out of the fridge the ganache should be set and ready for cutting. The best way to cut these brownies is with a hot and sharp knife. Run the knife around the edges of the baking tin and then cut into neat, cute, delicious squares. Remember to cut all the way down to the cookie base - this will be quite hard and biscuity.

I really hope you enjoy these cheesecake brownies, they are not overwhelmingly cheesey, but the 3 layers give 3 very distinct textures (thanks ma) and 3 very different tastes that make up a trio of amazingness. I am really looking forward to playing with this recipe a bit more, perhaps trying some different filled coookies like lemon creams or mint romany creams topped with a caramel? Ya. Tell me about it. Seriously though, if you try this recipe, or a variation of it, please let me know how it goes - or even better - send pics!

I hope you enjoy the recipe as well as the last day of the weekend before Monday! Make the most of it - bake, snuggle, have coffee, paint, run, walk your dogs and end it with a hot soak in the bath or something equally relaxing

Duffymoon xxx

Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 & The Pretty Little House

Hello & Happy New Year!

I'm a bit on the late side with the well wishes and blogging, but I am very excited about the year ahead. There is so much exciting stuff on the go and I can't wait to be able to share with you! In due time folks, due time.

2014 means Darren and I are moving in together (officially)
2014 means we added a ginger kitten called Jagger to our family
2014 means that we bought a porta pool
2014 means we are going to kick it into high gear in our vegetable garden
2014 means we are adding chickens to our lives
2014 means more in love than ever
2014 means fresh starts
2014 means renovations...

At the beginning of this week, renovations started on our Pretty Little House. We live in 106 year old wood and iron house in beautiful Glenwood. It is a sweet home, but exceptionally old and falling down in a few places, so before Darren fully moved in, it was decided that it was high time for some restructuring. Enter our landlord and yay for renovations! We packed up all our prized possessions and stacked everything in the spare room and the carnage began!

Anyone who has tried to live in their hundred and six year old house while a FULL floor to ceiling renovation is taking place will know, that it is in no way a good idea. We thought we could do it, but no one can. Ya hear? no one! There is 106 years worth of dust on those ceilings that are being ripped out , BUT you are getting sparkly white ceilings put in their place, so the moral of the story is, don't be a chop, move out while you are renovating. You don't get an award for going to work with dusty streaks on your butt from the chair you sat on, just really weird stares and eye infections.

We have been so lucky with our renovations because the house is quite old, there was a lot that has to be done anyway, so we were encouraged to throw in any ideas we had for what we wanted at the end of the day. Because I wanted to be super helpful and I can be really efficient when i want to be, I did this in 2 parts:

Part 1: Make a ridiculously detailed drawing of your current home and then edit it to what you would like to end up with at the end of the day, including plug points, lighting, counters and floor finishes. I used to do this. I found it really easy to use, very easy to edit and I was able to place furniture in each of the rooms so Darren and I could get a good idea of where we wanted to put everything once the renovations were done as well as a good idea of what we needed to sell/buy/repair.

Part 2: Send the detailed drawing to the person doing the building and meet them at the house to do a walk about. Lets be serious, unless you are a qualified architect or something or other, you are going to have put in a few unreasonable requests in your plans, poor Richard having to deal with some really funny stuff..."Jordyn you can't really make a wooden bathroom a "wet room". I'm sorry Richard, but you really are the kindest gent I know.

We are now letting the builders do their thing and we are trying to stay as much out of their hair as possible . I cannot wait to share some of the progress with you as soon as it is done, which according to the schedule should be in about a month! Thats the advantage of living in a non-brick house and having the most amazing team working on it.

This is going to be a great year and I can't wait to share it all; our home, work, friends, food and more.

Our internet should be up and running in about a month, so you can expect some more regular blog posting around about then. Until then, random-kepping-you-on-your-toes-stuff!



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

YAY for love & spring & everything betwixt

Hello hello! 

So, I just snuck upstairs for a peak at what the weather is doing in ol' Durbs and was only too delighted to discover that it is the most gorgeous day. Sun blazing with a slight and very gentle breeze. I would love to be sitting on the sand at the beach, reading a book and dashing to the edge of the water to dip my toes into the icy water at random intervals. I am totally in love with spring and quite obviously in love in general, I can't wait for the summer holidays! I have almost finished compiling our Summer Bucket List and Summer is looking quite busy. 

Aside from the bucket list, I am also busy trying to pull together Christmas advent calendars as well as plan a bit of home surface DIY. A couple of exciting projects on the cards, like sparkly sequin cushions, fresh coats of paint, christmas DIY and a scrubbing up of home in general. 

I am getting way too far ahead of myself, in the meantime, I am quite excited to start some new spring traditions at home. I know I have practically missed the boat on spring but I am eager to plant some new vegetables and have a quick spring clean this weekend just to catch up on the fresh spring vibe. Who knows, perhaps there will be a fruity cranberry cocktail with flower ice blocks on the cards?

A side not to this post, I have never been so happy and full of all the love 

Alas, work beckons and there is a lot to finish and even more to start! 


Monday, November 11, 2013

A forced break and now I'm back {for real - again}

After a forced 2 or so week hiatus, I am back at Hello Duffymoon again! I though my internet was fixed last time and it WASN'T but I figured out a way to blogpost in a sneaky fashion while I wait for my home internet to be fixed {Hi Telkom, how ya doin ey?}

My birthday was the best ever, I got spoilt by friends, family and my love and I had a lovely slap dash birthday party that turned into the perfect little gathering of some of my favourite people. My gorgeous friend Nicole made a very sweet speech and I had a chance to have a quick gush about Darren and how he has changed my life so much in such a a short space of time. I am a very lucky young lady to be surrounded by so much love and light and hey, I am 24 now! That is basically the entrance into mid 20's guys!

I have never been so excited to be older, weird hey? I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my life finally feels like it is in the right space, with the right balance and the right people. Let's not forget the growing up part.

So the birthday period is over... now to begin Christmas and Summer Holiday preparations! Never ending excitement I tell you, not to mention New Year after that. My summer holidays run from the 22nd of December till the 13th of January, so there is plenty of time for Darren and I to tick a load of things off our Summer bucket list!

Summer Bucket list to follow



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hello Wednesday at Hello Duffymoon

Hello Wednesday at Hello Duffymoon

So, I scrambled around on all fours, disconnecting and reconnecting wires for a week and eventually things just came right. I know it sounds super silly but I consulted with some smarty pants and they couldn’t tell me what was wrong so I just went ahead and hoped that it would fix itself…and TADA! Fixed! When in doubt, disconnect and reconnect the wires a bunch of times.

This last week has been a fairly busy one for me, so the internet downtime was well timed actually, no energy to waste pinning till the early hours. Apart from being fairly busy at work – I have been cooking quite a bit too. My darling and I have been trying to stick to our healthy eating so it has mainly been roast veggies, salads and an assortment of grilled meats, but nothing gets you inspired to mix things up like using a combination of the same ingredients over and over again, it is amazing how different cooking methods change the flavour of even the most simple ingredients !

On Saturday night we let our healthy eating loose a little and had our friends Deane and Rosie over for dinner and a movie. We make steak and leafless salad for our mains and ended off with triple chocolate brownies and whipped cream in front of the tv.  I will be posting the best brownie recipe on earth  (ever) later this week! 

Just a quick check in now that I am back on-the-line 



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Leggings as Pants (& that good 'ol body image thing)

Good day!

I skipped out on posting yesterday, because to be brutally honest, as soon as I got home, i pulled on my leggings and I fell atop my fresh, clean, white linen and proceeded to doze off for about 2 hours, I was ridiculously tired for a monday evening. I woke up half way through my nap, slightly flustered with the lesser spotted ginger feline curled up close to my heart, so I allowed myself to drift off again. It is amazing how soothing a little warm, purring fluffball can be to a half asleep human.

Anyway, yesterday was the first day of super healthy eating. After a weekend filled with naughty foods and lazing about, come Sunday evening D and I were both feeling awfully lethargic and all round gross, emphasis on round. We made an extremely hasty agreement to be reasonably healthy for the next 10 weeks. By the time summer holidays come, you bet your ass you'll be seeing us frolicking in the waves at the beach.

All this diet/health/food stuff has got me googling and pinning "perfect bodies" and in turn - got me thinking about body image. When I get on a health kick, I immediately go onto Pinterest and totally wreck my self confidence and kill my appetite by pinning and flicking through +- a billion pictures of  gorgeous, perfect ,thin ,tanned and toned individuals. I guilt myself and make myself feel really horrid for not looking just like that or not being super thin or super toned or super tan or whatever particular area I am being rough on myself about that day.

As I am typing this, I know just how silly it sounds and I know that a couple of you may be yawning and a couple of you may have serious feminist views on the subject, I also know that there may be a few of you who are nodding your heads and going "mmhmm", but at the end of the day, I am just being honest here, these are just my feelings. Also, I am not going to stop pinning inspirational bods.

Instead of admiring these beautiful women, setting myself reasonable goals and becoming inspired to be my optimum self...I get depressed and down about the person I am already.

This is not a blog post about not being able to admire beautiful women enjoying the body they have worked for or a blog post about societies view of women, this is simply a blog post about me not allowing myself to love my own body because I haven't quite been able to get my head around the fact that: I am my own kind of perfect. 

So this spins all the way back to leggings as pants. The other day (can't quite remember which day) I hopped out of a steaming hot milk bath and pulled on some black leggings and a white vest (one of those super comfy woolies vests with built in support - I live in them) and I swung around to hang up my towel and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I became increasingly curious as to what it is about my body that I am so self conscious about and why.

I wouldn't say that I have "body issues" but there are certainly things I am always wanting to change, depending on the day or mood, obviously. So as I stood and looked at myself in the mirror, I decided that there was one thing I DID need to change and that was the way I see myself. My body is my body and I love my body the most when it is working as a well oiled machine. It may not be when I am my thinnest or my most tan or perhaps even my fittest but I love my body the most when I am my healthiest, inside and out.

So instead of standing in front of the mirror and picking myself to pieces, I looked at myself in a different light, a lighter light. Like a real dork, I spoke to myself and said things like: "I am so lucky to have a really lovely hourglass shape" and "I have great, thick, long, glossy hair", from top to bottom I noted all the good things about myself and said them out loud. By the time I finished up I not only felt a kak ton beter about myself, but I was able to look upon improvements to my body as improvements instead of insults.

Guys, I am swinging into 24 on a rope of self confidence and body-love, in 16 days (just throwing that out there)

Your body is a magnificent and magical thing, treat it with care and compassion and spoil it with goodness and good 'ol fashioned health.

So go on, chuck 1 litre of full cream milk and a few tablespoons of honey into your bath, you won't know yourself!

