Friday, September 27, 2013

You're just my cup of tea

Good afternoon y'all

Friday afternoons are the most wonderful afternoons, something about the oncoming weekend really gets everyone going.

Almost every friday, I knock off work at half 2 and make a mad dash for home. If things are quiet at Guru Girl HQ, mom and I sneak off a bit early to beat the afternoon rush down the ramp and sometimes we even squeeze in a quick bunny at Goundens.

We started off our friday with a crazy spring clean of our office, which is usually a bit more messy than we would like. Next up, we had an amazing office photo shoot with Adrian & Jaimi Shields. Mum and I posed and flounced around the office for about 2 hours having the time of our lives, obviously loving all the snappity snaps. Needless to say, by the time the clock struck 2, we were ready to zip on out of there in a matter of minutes and carry over the good vibes and get started on our weekends.

I am now comfortably settled at my dining room table with a cat on my lap, a tray of owls on my left and a steaming hot pot of english breakfast tea on my right. It is amazing what inspires us isn't it? Nothing gets my mind going quite like cats, tea, owls, a dash of pinterest and my imagination (I know, maybe I sound like a bit of a loser?).

Life is so pretty and weird and bright and dark and all sorts of other things that constantly contradict one another and don't always make sense (like this blog post wahahaha). When you least expect it, magic happens and it just keeps happening and who are we to decide when and where? I mean, is there anything more magical than someone unexpected and totally dorky showing up out of nowhere and being like, "Hey, you are the best and you make magic in my head" and they make magic in your head too? Sometimes something magnificent just happens.

So, for you,  amidst the 23 million dramatic performances that we have waded through in the few weeks we have known each other, and the millions more that I have no doubt will come, my heart is so happy and light and filled with glittery confetti and streamers  and "whoop whoop's!" and balloons and there are all sorts of pretty butterflies pinned to the inside of everything and I feel so safe amongst all of your silliness and warmth.

Much love,


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Back for a spot of blogging

Hi there, I'm back.

Who ever really does know how long I will be back for. I am a very sporadic blogger that’s for sure.

The past few months have been some of the most hectic in my life so far. Overcoming a big break-up, moving into a bigger home, being responsible for a massive yard as well as 4 darling (but testing) animals and then trying to balance work in, around and on top of all of that.

2 weeks ago we completed our Guru Girl Launch and it went off without a hitch. So, needless to say after a few months of endless and exhausting preparation, I have been laying low and resting. I am, however, quite ready to get my shit together and get back on top of this blogging and real life kind of thing.

I have endless DIY projects planned and so many recipe and food ideas, they are overflowing. I am hoping to be a little less fanatical about what I post and I am going to try very hard to be free and breezy about the pictures and content. I used to have an amazing camera, I no longer have an amazing camera, therefor some of these pictures may be fancy camera pics, some may be cellphone pics, some may be shitty, some may be amazing, soz guys… it is what it is. 

Anyone fancy a chai oatmeal bath and rosemary & lavender face steam? I think so.

More soon,

